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    Amp 6, 12-Port

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    Longtime, Experienced, eBay Seller -- UPDATE ***12-20-2024*** We are still shipping same business day or next business day at the latest. We ship out of the Dallas area so your shipment makes it to a Dallas area distribution center on the same business day that it ships. All items are in stock by Seller and Ship from Sellers Location in Terrell, Texas. Your purchase satisfaction is paramount. Buy with confidence. You are invited to communicate on any item in the store. Best Regards, --- calntom
    Location: United StatesMember since: May 21, 2000Seller: calntom

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    Seller feedback (1,328)

    • d***g (1695)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    • y***c (1641)- Feedback left by buyer.
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      as described thx
    • c***u (331)- Feedback left by buyer.
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      Thank you A++++
    • 9***m (213)- Feedback left by buyer.
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      Jack was exactly as described, and shipper shipped items really quickly....AAA+++ Seller
    • c***i (783)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past month
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      A++ Ebayer Thanks
    • p***e (64)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past month
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      Mostly due to inexperience on my part with Ortronics HD part numbers, this unit didn't work with the OR-HDJ5E jacks. Upon contacting the seller, they were very helpful and immediately sent a panel with the proper part number OR-PHDHJU48. Now the jacks fit properly.

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    Use this space to tell other eBay members about yourself and what you’re passionate about. Give people more reasons to follow you!499/1000